In the United Methodist Church, we are going to be trying a
new thing at General Conference in May. It’s called “Rule 44.”
Rule 44 is an attempt to define a way for the General
Conference to dialogue about particular questions. It is a group discernment
process intended to be used when the questions on the table are particularly
emotional or sensitive. The hope is to infuse the General Conference with the
spirit of “Christian Conferencing,” gracious and respectful conversations in
which we might manage to “be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion.”
I for one love the idea! I'm all for that "grace-filled, respectful dialogue!" It’s a good idea to try
something different than what we are doing now, which is essentially following
a modified version of “Robert’s Rules of Order” to discuss, amend, and vote on
bunches of wordy resolutions. I am so grateful for people who are 1) astute
enough to name the need to change, and 2) bold enough to actually propose a way
to change.
This year, if we pass “Rule 44,” the idea is to apply it to
all of the resolutions about human sexuality. In the future “Rule 44” could be
applied to any set of issues. All of the proposals would be taken out of
legislative committee deliberation and instead the issue will be discussed in
small groups. Each small group would have a trained facilitator, and would
create a report of recommendations on how best to proceed with the proposals
around the given issue.
These written reports are then given to a facilitation group
comprised of six delegates. Their job is to study the reports from each group,
looking for trends or patterns, and then make a recommendation to the body as
to how to proceed. This recommendation might be a single petition or multiple
petitions. The body then deliberates and proceeds on the facilitation group’s
recommendation using the rules of order of the General Conference.
It’s pretty bold, isn’t it? It’s very different, and apparently
a lot of people are scared of it. Our Missouri delegation had a chance to speak
with Judi Kenaston, the Chair of the General Commission on General Conference,
and she told us that there have been some pretty negative online responses.
(But you know how “bloggers” are, right? A bunch of opinionated blowhards,
thinking everybody wants to read their words and stuff. Sheesh!)
One of the reasons for the idea is a request from the 2012
General Conference for a proposal that would shift the tone of General
Conference “from issues of governance and towards building consensus on
ministry,” an admirable goal and worth pursuing, to be sure. More voices can
join the conversation under Rule 44, rather than a few louder ones dominating
the discussion. Rule 44 goes a long way toward easing the artificial US v. THEM
divide that seems to permeate everything these days. And the final decision(s)
that will be made will have a deeper sense of ownership, as each delegate is
given an opportunity to express her- or himself in the process.
As a first alternate delegate, I don’t know if I’ll have the chance to vote on Rule 44 or not. If I did, I’d definitely be voting in favor.
As a first alternate delegate, I don’t know if I’ll have the chance to vote on Rule 44 or not. If I did, I’d definitely be voting in favor.