Maybe this summer I'll be looking like this guy.
Question of the day: If you were creating a workout just for pastors, how would it be different from a regular old non-pastory workout?
Should Women Preach?
1 year ago
I believe that the conversation matters. If in the attempt to realize the reign of God on earth, we cannot engage one another in respectful and grace-filled dialogue, we might as well not even try.
I think I would go not with the "non-pastory" but the "non-pastry" diet.
Hey, I'm starting a program at our church ( where we're going to do a 5k run every month in 2009. I ran a half-marathon two weeks ago and the 5k seems a lot more reasonable. We're calling it Team Shepherd and inviting everyone to walk, run, or work the run in order to encourage congregation wide fitness. We also did a biggest loser contest 2 years ago that had a huge success with 90 people participating in a 15 week weight loss competition. The whole idea is that fitness is a fun community event, not a personal drudge.
Blessings on your own fitness efforts. We should all praise God with our personal temples. (It would bring down our insurance rates as well....bonus!)
Well obviously, pastors are supposed to walk on water, so I suggest you get some of the shoes that Reggie Wayne is hawking so you can get your water walking workouts in too!
From the photo, the fitness program seems to make you fit. Unfortunately, it makes you bald, too.
The pastoral workout should consist of a virtual reality treadmill where you are faced with a multitude of trials and persecutions, including, but not limited to: Stonings, prison escapes, earthquakes, firestorms, "the rapture," sudden blindness, and tempting offers of unlimited water/Powerade/Gatorade supplies in return for your soul. Your mission, of course, other than total health and a rock-solid body, is to throw off everything that hinders you and the sin that so easily entangles you, and to run with perseverance the race marked out for you......
No carb body of Christ...
Pastors lift weights using books instead of dumbbells! Then you get smart AND strong.
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