Laughing Out Loud
I know this one is old and you have probably seen it before, but I laugh out loud every time, so I'm sharing it. I love you, mom!
Should Women Preach?
1 year ago
I believe that the conversation matters. If in the attempt to realize the reign of God on earth, we cannot engage one another in respectful and grace-filled dialogue, we might as well not even try.
Absolutely hilarious! I don't have a brother, just a lovely sister instead. A couple of questions though:
What happened to the Coke can the brother brought with him and placed on the counter?
The fact that you have a brother, which of the two in the video represents you and would your brother agree?
Thanks for the laugh!
Dark Gable
Dear Dark,
Yes, in fact my whole family concurs as to which brother is which... I'll leave it there.
- AB
Couldn't the happy mother's day message be translated to our expectations for Christian worship? As in let's take a picture of faithful praise? Peace, JB
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