Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Love Takes a Stand

“Love is not neutral. It takes a stand. It is the commitment to the attainment of the conditions of peace for everyone involved in a situation.” This idea, quoted from the book A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, has been haunting me all week.

I’ve also been working on a silly little parable of sorts. If you will indulge me…

Imagine that Person A and Person B are looking at a duck.

“Would you look at that chicken!” says A.

“That’s not a chicken. That’s a duck,” replies B.

To which A responds, “Hey man, I just have a different perspective than you do. Why are you oppressing me?”

In this little illustration, there are not two sides to the argument. Person A is wrong. And when B points out that A is wrong, B is not oppressing A.

Now insert Person C into the silly little parable. What should C say?

C could say, “I’m going to remain neutral here. I mean, can’t you two just agree to disagree? Try to see both sides. Everyone is entitled to their own perspective.” Etc. Etc.

Or they could say, “Actually A, that is quite clearly a duck.”

So … of course the silly parable changes a bit when the topic is white supremacy.

Person A says, “Non-white people are inferior and should be eliminated.”

“That’s not true. People are equal regardless of race,” replies B.

“Hey man,” says A, “I just have a different perspective than you.”

And then imagine that YOU are Person C. So, what are you going to say?

Love is not neutral.

For me, saying “Can’t we just get along” is not an option here. No, we can’t just get along. I refuse to “agree to disagree” with a racist.

The truth is, you are NOT entitled to your own perspective if your perspective is that of a white supremacist. You are simply wrong. There isn’t any room for compromise on this issue.

Love takes a stand.

Okay, but wait. The Bible says not to repay evil for evil. St. Francis prayed that “Where there is hatred let me sow love.” Jesus says that peacemakers are blessed. Doesn’t that imply neutrality? Doesn’t that mean we need to respect all sides of a disagreement? Doesn’t that mean Christians should remain “above the fray,” so to speak?

Actually, no. Not as I understand the Gospel. Not as I understand Jesus. Not as I understand the work of the church.

Every United Methodist has promised, upon becoming a member of a congregation, “to resist evil, injustice, and oppression” in the world. Every parent who brings a child for baptism makes the very same promise. Every time we renew that promise, we say it again.

The decision to resist evil revokes one’s neutrality.

Neutrality in the presence of evil is no better than indifference. And as my colleague Rev. Geoff Posegate said recently, “There are times when indifference and silence are in fact acts of violence.”

Jesus was not neutral in his life and ministry. Neither should his followers be. White supremacy is not a "different perspective" with which we should seek a respectful compromise. White supremacy is evil, and it needs to be named, resisted, and utterly destroyed.


Soul Blogger said...

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."

Like Peter we are standing over the abyss of Hades, standing up to the manifestations of evil that attempts to overwhelm the light of Christ! We will resist until all the world is encircled by the the coming of God's realm.

I'm feeling poetic today. Maybe your parable sparked some creativity.

Rick said...

I'm afraid its a lot more complicated than that Andy. In todays world we must first decide is this a duck or a chicken? Is this a chicken that identifies as a duck, or a duck that identifies as a chicken. You would think person A and person B could just look at this duck and come to a simple conclusion, but there's more questions to be asked. Is this binary banty, cross-duck, cis-chicken, fowl euphoria, trans-poultry. Heck he may even be turducken for all we know, not that there's anything wrong with that. I can say emphatically that A and B should not be standing by the watering tank snickering and pointing. I think we can both agree there is no room in America for chicken bigots or fowlophobics. I think this little duck, sorry, chicken should fly to the top of the barn, stick out his chest and give a big cock-a-doodle-do proclaiming, IM A CHICKEN! Of course changes will need to be made. He will need to sleep in the hen house and roost with the other chickens. Who cares what all the other barnyard animals think, duck em. For the first time in his life he feels comfortable in his own feathers, and that's what's important right. The chickens are more than welcome to go swim in his old pond without any judgment from him. If they only had web feet that would be awesome. Sometimes we just have to realize God makes mistakes and deal with it. I'm thinking maybe its up to us, in our own power to simply fix the short shortcomings of God. Now I'm confusing myself with all this talk, on second thought, I think your right Andy. Person A is wrong, it was a duck.